Questions and Answers

A job vacancies information website.

To apply for a job listed on you need to be a registered user.

Job applicants have to enter the following information: name, surname, email, town/city.
Employers and recruitment agencies have to enter the following: company name, registered address / management address, including the country and city/town, Unique ID Code, No.VAT, accountable person, email, telephone number and website, if available.
Contact person / Administrator has to enter: name and surname, position, phone number, email.
The contact person / administrator can register other employees of their company, informing them of the goal and their rights.

You can apply after signing in as a registered user and attaching the necessary documentation for the position.

Enter your email address in the forgotten password field and you will be emailed a link to recover your password.

You can receive email notifications for new ads by a specific employer by filling in the form containing name, surname and email address.

Only employers for whose ads you have applied have access to your data.

All organisations are verified upon registering. However, working conditions and offers are not.
All ads must contain what is necessary according to the terms and conditions here as well as what is admissible according to Bulgarian legislation.

All services are free and some services are offered after registering.

An unlimited number of ads can be published free or in exchange for payment – VIP and PVT.
VIP ads accentuate the importance and urgency of the job or candidate sought.
PVT (private) ad – the name of the organization is not shown on the ad.

The maximum number of days an ad can be valid is 30. The ad can be discontinued if the desired number of candidates has been reached and published again for free within 30 days if necessary.